I’ve been trying to succinctly describe what this website and blog is for and about. And I keep coming back to, it’s about all the things I find interesting and want to write about. 🙂 I’m on a journey of discovery to figure out life, the universe and everything. I’m 42, so I guess that’s appropriate.
ANYWAY, I have to get ready for worky-poo, so I can’t write much, but it’s been AGES since I’ve written, and I had to break the seal on that, so that the words can start flowing again. So, more to come shortly.
Happy Friday and go do something fun that makes you laugh and move in a way you haven’t in the past week or month! Here is a picture of my brothers and me that you can use as inspiration. Put a measuring cup on your head as a hat, and see how it makes you feel. 😛