I’m aligning with my Gemini Rising self today and sharing a medley of things I’m reading, listening to, or pondering.
Meditation Medley
My Meditation Medley class has begun! We spent the first week practicing Just One Breath. Over the next several weeks we’ll explore several other types. It’s not too late to sign up for the class!
- The class will be held on the following dates from 12:45PM – 1PM CDT:
- Aug 30, 2022 12:45 PM
- Sep 6, 2022 12:45 PM
- Sep 13, 2022 12:45 PM
- Sep 20, 2022 12:45 PM
- Sep 27, 2022 12:45 PM
- You can register for the class here.
- For payment, I am asking for donations to the QC Yoga Foundation. We’d love to get a donation of $25 for the class, but any amount or no amount is also acceptable.
- You can make a donation to the QC Yoga Foundation here.
Here is a link to the recording from Week 1, in case you want to check out what a class is like. The class is held over Zoom, but you don’t need to share your camera. You can see me, in case that helps you focus better (our faces help co-regulate each other, per Science and polyvagal theory).

One of my favorite authors and mentors (Dr. Matthew Taylor) gave me this book to read: Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World. As a Generalist who historically has felt bad about being a Generalist, I have to say I LOVE THIS BOOK. It’s making me appreciate my natural inclinations instead of seeing them as a fault.
This book provides many stories (about Vivaldi, Van Gogh, Sebastian Junger, Haruki Murakami, Patrick Rothfuss, etc.) and much research to support the benefits of pursuing many different interests as a method for figuring out what you really want to do with this one wild and crazy life.
Trying many things and failing is a how you figure out what you really love to do. Taking ACTION to figure out what you want to do with your life (“I know who I am when I see what I do”) is the secret sauce.
The advice from the book in a nutshell: Dabble!! Flirt with your possible selves! Work forward from promising situations instead of working backwards from a goal.
Being a Generalist also helps you synthesize ideas from a variety of domains, which can lead to really inspired insights that someone who goes super deep into one specific area may miss.
I’m about half-way through the book, so I may write more about it in a future letter. Little known fact – in 5th grade I broke the school record for writing the most book reports, so I have some skillz in that domain.
“You’re not alone, and I love you.” If we approached our loved ones who suffer from addiction with that energy, what would shift? According to this TedTalk, the antidote to addiction is CONNECTION!
And on a related note, Dr. Huberman (one of my favorite podcasters and scientists) did a podcast episode on alcohol and its effects on the body. If you enjoy a cocktail regularly (especially if you average 7-14 drinks/week (like I do)), this podcast will give you pause. The effects on brain health, hormonal health, gut health, mental health, and immune system health are, not to be too dramatic, but devastating. This podcast has given me some really meaty food for thought. I’m not sure where I’ll go with this, but I’m considering at least another 30 day reset.
Space to be Human Lab
- I appreciate referrals SO MUCH. If you know someone who needs to work with me, please send them my way. If they book a session, I’ll apply a coupon for $10 off your next session. Thank you!!
- Here is a link to book an NST session, a Yoga Tune Up session, or purchase gift certificates.
I hope you are enjoying this late summer evening! I had my windows open today, and I feel as if I was deafened by the cicadas!
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