Doh! I knew that I was MIA for a while, but I just realized that I haven’t posted in two months! Wow. Why is this the case, you might ask?
Well, let’s see. November was a super busy month in my practice (YAY!) – all sorts of interesting stuff happening with CranioSacral and Visceral Manipulation. And then we had lots of company over Thanksgiving (another YAY and also I needed lots of recovery time). And then it was December, and I honestly didn’t feel like doing a damn thing. Well, a damn thing outside of eating and drinking and watching Friends. I’m still in that space a bit, but I’m seeing glimmers of motivation – thus, the letter you are reading now.
I am also in the middle of another training course (another course, of course!). The training is called Organic Intelligence (OI), and I’m learning more deeply about the natural rhythms of our biology. We are learning how to recognize the natural ups and downs we experience and how to help clients spend more time in the down stroke phase as a way of increasing nervous system capacity. I’m about 8 weeks in, so I know enough to know that I don’t really know much. BUT what I do know is that we are cyclical in almost ALL the ways:
For every up, there’s a down.
For every hot, there’s a cold.
For every red, there’s a blue.
For every black, there’s a white.
For every pain, there is a pleasure.
It’s just how the world works – everything has its complementarity. One cannot exist without the other. But we are conditioned to focus mostly on the negative side, so consciously spending more time noticing the positive side can help us restore balance and integration.
So I’m in a rest period from a more active period (which may be the past few months or the past 47 years – I’m not sure yet). My brain needs to lie fallow for a bit to let some new, fresh stuff start to germinate.
And this gets me back to a theme I’ve written about before – what if everything is happening the way it’s supposed to happen, and we can actually quit trying so damn hard and instead focus on enjoying life and spending time with the people who thrill us? What if the purpose of life is to actually f-cking enjoy it??
This reminds me of an podcast I listened to with Oliver Burkeman (author of 4000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals). He was relating a story to the host, wherein a friend came into town unexpectedly, and Oliver met him for lunch and then did a hike. The whole time he was hanging out with his friend, he was wishing that he had the kind of life where he could, spur of the moment, take time off work and go out to lunch and go on a hike with a friend. And then he was like, “Hold on! Wait a minute. I DO have that kind of lifestyle, and I’m living it right now!” But we forget to be present! We get stuck in the striving and the wanting, and the believing that THERE will be better than HERE, and end up spending so much of our lives not appreciating what we have in the moment.
So in 2025, I am orienting to more connection with the people I love, more fun, more biking on my sweet Surly, more honest conversations, more creating (writing/drawing), more action on the things that really matter. If you want to follow my explorations in drawing, biking, traveling, etc., you can find me on Instagram at @space2bhuman.
If you were to orient to pleasure, what would that look like for you? I would love to hear from you!
Take care,
Ways to work with me
- You can book a bodywork session here (prices currently range from $85-$115, and will be increasing by $15 on 2/15/25).
- You can book a free Wellbeing Coaching consultation here. I am offering a 6-session coaching package for $240. You can read testimonials here.
- What other services/classes/workshops would you love to explore? Tell me what you want, what you really really want!
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