

Man, I haven’t written a post in a long time.  Actually, I take that back, I have started and not finished several posts – one about Legend of the Seeker, one about Crazy Heart, one about my new Philosophy products that are messing up my skin, and one about the architectural rendering in watercolor class that I’m currently taking.  I actually plan to finish that last post; I am waiting for the Teems to download our February pictures, so that I can actually post pictures of my pictures.  According to Tim, people like pictures in posts.

Hopefully this weekend I will get a real blog post done.  But, I felt I owe my 5-7 readers an explanation for my absence.  I guess I didn’t really explain why I didn’t complete any of those other posts, though.  Regrettably, I think it boils down to sheer laziness.  Putting words together in a coherent, witty fashion is difficult, and when I get home from work, I really just want to eat supper, sit next to Tim on the couch, and watch Community and Bones all night.  I know that’s what I’ll be doing tonight.

So, stay tuned for the super awesome post this weekend about my first art class in 15 years.  It’s going to be super delightful and engaging.  And, if you’re lazy like me and don’t want to actually put forth the effort to READ, you can just look at the pretty pictures.

Health & Fitness, Movies, Uncategorized

Yoga my head into the ground

I had a very positive day yesterday.  I started off on the right foot by drinking two cups of delicious fresh ground 8 O’Clock Columbian roast, one cup of twiggy Traditional Medicinals Dandelion Root tea and by eating rolled oats with cinnamon, raisins and ground flax.  I was bursting with healthy energy, so I headed to the gym and did 35 minutes on the treadmill, working up a shirt-drenching sweat.  Tim put all sorts of excellent hip-hop and electronic music on my eyepod that kept my energy flowing – stuff like this awesome song with the best bass beat ever:

I always play my iPod on random, and a few Kid Cudi tracks came up, and maybe even some Robyn?  Anyway, it was a mix made to train my body and soul.  After the treadmill action, I headed out to Ultimate Fitness to catch the 11:15 yoga class.

Sara had us do all the usual poses – mountain (where you get in touch with the earth), tree (where you try vainly to balance on one foot whilst keeping the rest of your body on one plane), cobra, downward dog, etc. She tried some intermediate moves too; she had us do boat, or at least I tried to do boat. You do this pose by sitting on your mat, with your legs stretched directly in front of you. You scooch your hips back, so that you are sitting on your sit bones and not rolling back on your butt. You place your hands behind your back for stability and then lift both legs off the ground. It sounds so easy, but it’s insanely hard for me. I can only lift one leg at a time, and I can’t even keep the one leg off the ground for more than 10 – 20 seconds. Sara makes it look as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. It’s just insane.

Fortunately, she closed with savasana, the corpse pose. In this pose, you lay on your back, with your legs flat to on the ground, knees and feet pointed upward. Sara walks your mind through your whole body, relaxing each muscle as your thought touches it. Once you’ve relaxed everything, from the skin between your toes to your inner ears, you focus on your breathing. You imagine your breath coming into your body like waves coming on to the beach. With each exhalation, the wave retreats, taking with it some of bad things residing in your body. I was telling Tim today, that yoga is the kind of thing that works well for those who believe in it and probably not at all for those who don’t. I guess I’m a believer because it always makes me feel better when I go, at least until the day after. I might have pushed myself too far yesterday, because today I am pretty much sore EVERY WHERE. But, I still feel positive about it because I can feel myself standing straighter, and I feel much more tuned in to my body. It feels less like a mysterious package surrounding my brain and more a part of me.

After yoga Tim and I went to Major Art and Hobby where I got my Prang watercolors and brushes and erasers and rulers for my Architectural Drawing class that starts on the 16th. Major Art and Hobby always seems very poorly stocked to me. Maybe it’s my Americanized custom of always seeing plenty of everything. But, despite appearances, they had everything I needed, sans cold press watercolor paper and a masonite drawing board. The paper will come in this week, and I found the board at Hobby Lobby – it looks exactly like the drawing boards we used in high school. I can’t wait to slap some paper on that board, tack it down with masking tape and have at it.  My drawing desire was re-awakened Saturday morning when I drew up simple plans for a tea box the Bennzy Boos is going to make for us. I forgot how relaxing it can be to draw rulered lines with a pencil on paper with a nice tooth. Ahh… the little things in life.

After Major Art & Hobby, Tim and I hit up Great River, had a couple of pints, headed to Evergreen for a T-square (they were closed), and picked up some wings at BWW for supper. I tried the mango Habanero sauce, per a friend’s recommendation. It is pretty sticky but very delicious. It took about an hour for my lips to return to their normal color. We watched Zombieland while eating supper. It was actually a pretty unsettling movie to watch while eating chicken wings. As I was ripping chicken flesh off the bones – orange, sticky sauce all over my face and hands – on the television, human beings were ripping entrails out of fellow human beings, while projectile vomiting black mucusy syrupy disgustingness. Besides the aforementioned graphicness, the movie was actually pretty funny in many parts. The Bill Murray scenes alone make the movie worth watching. Woody Harrelson was my favorite character – nice and insane. I didn’t like the girls in the movie – the idea that they could snooker those two guys so completely multiple times seemed t0o far-fetched to me.  I think it’s definitely worth watching, but it’s no Shaun of the Dead, not by a long-shot.

Today has been a very mild day so far, which is what I needed after all the exercise and exciting art supply shopping yesterday. Tim and I are sitting here in the computer room; he’s tagging pictures and being very patient with me as I try to get WordPress to do what I want it to do. Yep, the Teemz is good people.

So, it’s back to work tomorrow. Another weekend come and gone in a flash. I can’t wait until Robots take over the world and start treating us like beloved pets. They will give us jobs, so we don’t completely lose purpose in life, but we’ll only have to work 3 days a week, and the rest of the time we can pursue hobbies and play awesome iPod games created by our cool Robot leaders. I can’t wait for the future.  Please note, Google, that I capitalize Robots to show respect.


Google’s Voice of Insanity

Tim somehow finagled invitations to Google Voice, one of which he sent to me.  I set it up on my cell phone, and now all of my voicemails are transcribed and sent to me via text message and email.  Google’s voice recognition software must be a little stupid (or maybe it’s the bad cell phone sound quality), as you’ll see from the following transcribed voicemails:

Did day and to find out if you saw the ground hog shadow give me a call when you get a chance you got my view.

Hey go pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up the got back itself.

And this one’s my favorite:

This is very any other long Gloria, My name is Trudy, an appetizer juices.

I need to get more friends, so more people will call me, and I’ll get more crazy messages from the droid minds over at Google.


It’s 01-01-10 Already? What the Eff?!

So, it’s 1/1/10 already.  That kind of caught me unawares.  I was planning on buckling down in 2010 (or o-10 as I keep calling it in my head).  In January I was going to not drink for the whole month and also not buy anything unnecessary.   Well, it’s only 6:36PM, and I’ve already spent $192.  We had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings, bought some “essentials” at Target (groceries and toilet paper and plastic totes, etc.), headlights for the car, 2010 calendars, etc.  Oh yeah, and at lunch I had a Blue Moon.  And, I’m currently drinking a grapefruit juice and vodka.

The problem, you see, is that I hadn’t realized that the new year started on a FRIDAY!  One cannot stop drinking and consuming at the beginning of the weekend.  It’s just wrong.  I’m still considering starting the buckling down on Monday.  We’ll see.  My level of commitment is already pretty weak.  But, maybe getting back into the normal routine of work will get me out of my lazy funk, and I’ll feel more inclined to set SMART goals with actually an intent to reach them.

I’m not quite sure why I’m starting this blog.  I like to write, so that’s one reason, I guess.  Not so sure if anyone really likes to read what I write.  But, I guess that’s the beauty of the internet – if you don’t want to read something you don’t have to.  My blog can thrive in oblivion, whilst giving me an outlet for my non-earth-shattering thoughts.  It’s a win-win.  Or something.