I know it’s been ages since I’ve written anything. This is a function of two things:
1. Yoga Teacher Training (YTT). I’ve been through two weekend sessions so far. The class started in January and ends in June. We meet Saturdays 12-6 and Sundays 9-3 once or twice per month. The first class was seriously awesome, albeit seriously exhausting. We learned A TON. We learned about chanting, anatomy, pranayama (breathing exercises) yoga philosophy, yoga history, the 8 limbs of yoga (asanas are just one small part), etc. We also spent lots of time practicing asanas and learning how to adjust our fellow students.
The second class (this weekend) covered a lot of the same general topics, but the specifics were different. We spent time this weekend learning about the major joints in the body, and then we spent several hours learning more about specific postures and how to modify them and adjust them. We did a lot of work with shoulder stand, double pigeon, side angle stretch, and several others that I can’t even remember. Then we spent about 3 hours today covering yoga philosophy in more detail.
I’m a little freaked out by the fact that a lot of the reading and self-exploration I have been doing over the past 3 years is all tornadoing together and striking the same spot. From varied bloggers I follow, I’ve been introduced to the philosophy of stoicism and Eckhart Tolle’s works. The subjects/books really resonated with me, and now as I learn more about yoga philosophy (something I knew NOTHING about when I signed up for YTT), I realize that stoicism and The Power of Now are both just reiterations of this yoga philosophy that is thousands of years old. Not to get mystical, but it seems as if the various currents of my life are all drawing me down the same path. It’s a comforting feeling – receiving confirmation that you are moving in the right direction.
Anyway, I could write reams and reams about what I’ve learned at YTT, but I don’t want to bore you to death, so I’ll move on to my second excuse for being vacant on hlodecello.
2. I’ve been participating in a 21-Day Primal Challenge with several friends. I set up a Facebook Group for us to all communicate. It’s been working really well, but it means that I share my recipes and meal ideas on there instead of here.
Oh, and a 3rd thing. I got a promotion at work, which means I’m managing our programmers. They are all awesome people who I love to work with, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around managing people for the first time. I want to do a good job, even though from what I’ve read, that’s almost impossible when you first start out. But I’ve been putting a lot of mental energy and time into figuring that whole situation out.
So that’s why I’ve been silent lately. Once the challenge is over, I will write more.
Take care, and have an excellent Sunday evening. 😉